Sometimes it just make me wonder who would actually start reading a huge chuck of words without pictures, without bold and highlights, without any beautiful expressions, just plain boring words from my blog. It has been a very very very long time since I last update, and the moment I update, I shall bore all readers with just words.
I'm lost. Somehow, I'm always lost, and never found. I guess I've lost myself along the way. So I'm in a journey of searching myself. I dunnoe how long it'll take. I dunnoe how long I'll last. I dunnoe if I'll take another path. But if it's me, it'll be me.
I'm on a journey. A long journey. To a place I've never been before. To another place I'm not familiar with. If changes are necessary, then I shall grow. From there, I will be stronger. I will be happier. Or so I think.